Monday, October 20, 2008

Obama Vs McCain

Obama vs McCain.... Cindy vs Michelle, or is it all about Joe now? No matter what you think, you definitely need to get out & vote this year! It's all about being heard.

On an off note - I think Cindy looks better in the Democrat blue & Michelle in the republican red. Did you notice at the one debate they wore the wrong color! Well wrong for their parties, but right for their skin tones.

Ha I had this wonderful blog all thought up last night right before I went to sleep & now can I remember it. NO!  Damn that always happens to me. Anyhow this isn't about me - it's about the 2008 Election - in a round about way. 

So will Obama be the man in the white house come 2009 - giving his 1,000 tax break to all the middle class Americans?  Or will you be voting for McCain giving money to everyone... which in turn will create new jobs?  

Hey out of work Americans - which will help you more a thousand dollar tax break or a twenty thousand dollar job. Which is going to help you more in the long run. Honestly - each person needs to answer this question for themselves when they go to the polls this November, which is only weeks away!  If you haven't decided yet who you'll be voting for, then you should be doing some serious thinking. 

No matter who you choose, JUST DO IT!  Go out & make that vote - this is an Election that will go down in the History books. Our children, grandchildren & great grandchildren will be reading about it & how the American people changed the country. Because you had better believe that no matter who wins, changes will be made. I mean come on with a woman & a black man running - plus the two old white guys, things won't stay the same - not exactly. 

So let your voice be heard & while you're at it - make sure you are pushing others to go & vote. Wear this Cardigan & tell the American People you run into... GO VOTE!, without saying a word. Click the link at the top of the blog to get to this sweater!

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